Diagnostic Cardiology

An Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound is ultrasound of the aorta, often is a non-invasive and painless test that uses sound waves to view the aorta, the main blood vessel leading away from the heart.

The Ankle Brachial Index is a testing method used to measure if a patient has peripheral artery disease (PAD). 

Atherectomy is a minimally invasive procedure done to remove the narrowing of blood vessels within the body often caused by peripheral artery disease and coronary artery disease.

An Angiogram test allows your doctor to see how blood circulates in blood vessels at specific locations throughout a patient’s body.

A Carotid Ultrasound is a safe, and painless procedure that uses sound waves to examine the blood flow through the carotid arteries.

Cardiac Catherization is the insertion of a catheter into a chamber or vessel of the heart. This is done both for diagnostic and interventional purposes.

Echocardiogram, also known as a cardiac ultrasound, checks the structure and function of the heart. These sound waves create pictures on the heart without being an invasive procedure.

Electrocardiograms, also known as an EKG, is a quick non-invasive test of the heart’s electric activity. This testing is done by placing electrodes on the chest. 

Holter Monitoring is a battery operated, portable electrocardiogram device used to test the electrical activity of the heart over a 24 hour plus period. 

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Monitoring is a small device worn by the patient to test the hearts activity through day to day activities with little to no interruption. This is one of the most effective methods of cardiac monitoring. 

Transesophageal Echocardiography is a test that examines pictures of the heart and connecting arteries through sound waves, similar to an echocardiogram. The difference is the echo device is connected to a thin tube that is placed in the mouth, down the throat to the esophagus.

Stress Tests are performed by completing an EKG while placing the body under various physical activity. 

Venous Insufficiency Ultrasound is an exam that uses ultrasound to visualize the veins of the legs to determine whether the veins are open and blood is flowing.